Whether You Are Planning A New Business Or Struggling With A Dying Business, This Is For You!
In under 3 weeks, we have brought in orders worth ₦1,909,000 with Facebook ads!
127,000 x 7 = ₦889,000
170,000 x 2 = ₦340,000
85,000 x 8 = ₦680,000

That's One Million, Nine Hundred and Nine Thousand Naira, and... This is happening despite the iOS 14.5 update!
Fair notice: These products are for 2 clients. Products 2 and 3 belong to one client.
A Short Intro
Here is what you need to know about me:
I am a graduate of Political Science. I began my eCommerce journey in late September 2018 and joined Jonathan Melody's eCommerce mentoring programme on the last day of October 2018.
I understood the power of social media advertising in January 2019 when I ran an ad for a household product and made over ₦45,000 in sales with an ad spend of less than ₦720 (can somebody give the iOS 14 update a big shout out?)
My first year as an eCommerce merchant was both explosive and educating. It was all a test run of eCommerce mentorship!
2020 was eventful. We welcomed our second son early March and COVID-19 took center stage late March. Countries responded with lockdowns and while the lockdown frenzy continued, most import-based businesses like mine took a hit.
Then, a friend presented me with this golden opportunity to "run ads for someone". I said why not... The rest is in the video below.
So, we actually made over ₦50m in sales (not dashboard orders, excluding an estimated number of fake and failed orders) between mid-June and early October 2020 when I had this Zoom call with my mentor.
We closed the year with nearly ₦70m in sales with over $6,000 or ₦3,000,000 in ad spend.
Please, can someone tell iOS 14.5 to stop knocking on my door!

To Shine At This, I Had Some Help...
Most of the products were high ticket products with the least being ₦35,000 and going as high as above ₦200,000. Never sold products that high prior to this time. We had several fake orders the first few days.
Almost frustrated, I reached out to my mentor and some other persons, filtered their advice and did a quick blend of all the unique parts...
I had sleepless nights, swollen eyes and migraines that won't go away for a long time as I searched for answers. I am still searching for answers. My purest joy is that after the searches, consultations and skill polishing...
The rest, they say, is history!
What I Learnt From This...
First, to shine at anything, quitting is never an option. Give it whatever it takes and don't stop learning.
In this adventure, I spent at least ₦150,000 to ₦200,000 to master the baby steps I would take. It paid off!
Second, every part of an advertising campaign is important, if not crucial. However, there are parts that can mess every other part up and send your business or career back to the Stone Age.
Yes, the creative is as important as the targeting which is also as important as your campaign structure and website's responsiveness. The creative comprises the images, videos, audios served the audience.
However, the part doing most of the heavy lifting is the copy. If your copy was crappy at the top of the funnel and continues into the middle through the bottom of the funnel, you'd be losing prospects faster than they are converting.
The copy also delivers the offer, so I will not try to separate them here.
We cannot explain away your ability to use words to get prospects to trust and patronise you. With an effective copy, prospects will patronise you even with an ugly website!
Some advertisers get so lazy they plagiarize another advertiser's copy verbatim without adding their creative spin to it. This is not copywriting. It is plagiarism!

Each unit of this product sold between ₦165,000 and ₦195,000. Over 210 units sold with one landing page between June 2020 and early March, 2021. Do the math!
But... Here Is The Challenge
Most people (myself included) selling online, and offline, strongly believe once they have the product or service and know their target, they are all set for massive sales or inflow of clients. However,
- Your product or service cannot sell themselves
- There is no way your audience can know if you have the product or service they so badly want
With little to no sales or clients, you try setting up an advertising campaign after all you have a hot-selling product or high-in-demand service and you know your target customers. You should be able to kill it... right?
Ahh, there is a bit of detail you are overlooking:
- How do you get them to pay attention to you, your product or service?
- How do you convince your customers or clients you have the best fit of what they want?
- How do you convince them well enough to get them to hire or pay you for your service or product?
These, right here, are some key reasons you need to know copywriting or hire the services of a copywriter. Copywriting is the single most important factor needed to get your products sold out or your services hired.
Why Copywriting Is The #1 Secret For Building Your Dream Business Or Career
There is a significant difference between marketing and selling, even though they complement each other. For example,
Most advertisers on social media and other advertising platforms focus on marketing (awareness), forgetting sales (action) is what brings in the money. Marketing spends the money.
It begins and end with a copy or a flow of copies, namely:
Your ad copy is the opener, or attention grabber. It is what prompts your prospect to stop and look at your product, then click the link to your landing page which could be a squeeze page, bridge page, pre-sell or sales page.
Your sales copy is your digital salesperson. It goes beyond piquing the interest of your prospect to telling them why they must patronise you.
Your thank you page is an opportunity to sell more
We often call the images or videos you use in the ad copy creatives. They amplify the attractiveness of your copy. But creatives continue through the funnel: landing page, order page and thank you page. The idea is to keep the prospect focused on buying.
In a nutshell, the copywriter focuses on selling your product by
- Presenting all the benefits of the product or service
- Tapping into the prospect's emotions to bring out the buyer in them.
He gives them reasons to own the product - because people don't just buy for buying sake; why they shouldn't miss out; etc. Advertising is marketing. Copywriting is selling. You need both if your business must succeed online or offline or anywhere. I wish I knew this earlier. Sadly, I didn't.
When I realized this, I created a collection of copy inspiring ads and posts named Copy Inspos: an idea I got from a copywriter.

And a folder containing most of Andy Mukolo's emails since I joined his list late 2020.

You must actively look for ways to spice up your copy so you get what you want.

Frank Kern
Creator, Behavioral Dynamic Response; the Most Sought After Direct Response Internet Marketing Consultant & Copywriter on the Planet
There's no greater skill in Business..."
“There’s no greater skill in Business, than being able to assemble a compelling sales argument in writing or on Camera. If you’re Good at Copywriting, You’re going to do a lot better than if you weren’t good at Copywriting. It’s the shortest path to Financial Freedom."

Emmanuel Johnson
Founder/Head of Growth, Havanzer
“The #1 Reason People Buy Something."
“Copywriting is the #1 reason people buy something. Nothing happens in business without great Copywriting. If I had to choose one skill, It would be Copywriting”

Neil Patel
British entrepreneur, a New York Times Bestseller, Marketing Expert, Speaker, Internet Personality, Founder of Crazy Egg and Hello Bar
“Everything In Business Revolves Around It."
“So you need to be fluent in copywriting. Why? Everything in business revolves around it. Most companies report that content marketing (and copywriting) increased both the quantity and quality of leads.”
To move your business or career forward, copywriting is not an option. It is a non-negotiable ingredient for your success.
The ability to sell yourself and the product or service you offer is the goldmine [not a goldmine]! Let it sink in.
Your ability to use words to influence buying or paying decisions in your favour can be all the difference between a business that will shine above its contemporaries and the one that will die.
For your business or career to shine, you must know the right words to use and how to use them effectively.
How To Become A Ca$h Vomiting Copywriter
What it costs to shine a shoe or a car usually depends on your location, and the type of car or shoe involved. According to one website, polishing an average-sized car starts at $50 while vans trucks from $75.
Meanwhile, to get a shoeshine in a place like Nigeria starts from ₦50 in some parts.
The size of your dream business or dream career is affected by how far you are ready to go to get it realized:
If you have a world class dream backed with local (mediocre) efforts, closed to continuous learning and upgrades, the dream will end up a local reality or, as we say in Nigeria, a local champion.
If, however, you want your dream to shine through challenges and setbacks, you must work the work and learn the learn. Since I strolled into eCommerce in 2018, I build my funnels, write my copies, run my ads, write my content, and more.
I have, by God's help, done 8 figures with at least one client... but I am just a newbie.
This post is not about a copywriting course but about you and how you can take your business to the next level: what are you willing to learn to get your dream into reality?
The #1 skill you should learn is the ability to write copies that get your product or service sold.
How much will you pay to gain this skill? ₦50 or $50? ₦150 or $150? Same figures but not same value!
This Is What You Can Do Today...

Most of the things I know on digital marketing and Facebook advertising, I learnt from resources flying around and several paid courses.
I am far from being a guru or goo-roo. I am just your average Joe who, by the grace of God, has succeeded with Facebook ads to some good extent. I don't have a course yet, maybe someday soon. So, I won't be asking you to buy a course today. This will not be necessary by a long shot if you understand what I am offering you today...
The Shine Your Eye Copy (SYEC) Bundle
I have lost count of the number of resources I have on copywriting. However, it is important to state the obvious: I did not learn it in a classroom!
But it doesn't matter how many copywriting resources you have, what matters is whether you put them to work. So for starters, I have put together some copywriting ebooks for you. I am convinced if you can get your copy or copies right; you have 80-90% of your online sales process figured out.
Yeah, this is because an excellent copy must have taken the time to understand its target audience and the challenges members of this audience want solutions to. You won't be reading this if you didn't think you could find answers to some of your online sales challenges here.
I will not promise you an alpha and omega solution because I don't have it. Nobody actually does. The Facebook advertising platform, like every other platform, is still developing. Therefore, the courses will never stop coming at you.
However, knowing how to write copies that convert or sell is something no algorithm can change no matter the updates to the advertising platform. You only need to make necessary adjustments to make your copies compliant to the platform.
You can also up your copywriting game beyond just writing copies for Facebook ads and get a versatile career that involves writing for foreign companies or individuals. Yeah, this would be an opportunity of a lifetime for you to earn in US dollars from the comfort of your home with vacation opportunities.
With the insights from these ebooks, I have maintained a steady flow of income as I help businesses achieve their dreams.
The lessons are
- Practical
- Easy to digest and apply to your next advertising campaign, CV, proposal or sales pitch.
Here is a list of the ebooks and an overview of what you get from them:

You can have these copywriting ebooks for just ₦4,000.00!

Sunday "Sunnel" Adedeji
eCom Merchant, Serial Entrepreneur, Digital Marketer, Affiliate Marketer, Copywriter
"Readers are leaders, so they say.And you can't be a good copywriter if you can't read. These books have affected positively on Jade's generated sales, and I can testify to the originality of the generated revenue.
Anybody serious and desirous of improving his copywriting skill and revenue should urgently grab his/her copy of this offer. Jade is one of the very few silent good copywriters I know."
Claim Your Bundle Now
Start Writing Better Copies

What's a good deal to you? How about a better deal? Along with the above, you also get some outstanding bonuses:

So, you can have all these bonuses for FREE when you order for the copywriting ebooks at just ₦4,000.00!
Claim Your Bonuses Now
Start Writing Better Copies
You can either grab the offer and take your business to levels where it shines so brightly, people would want to be associated with you and your business or pass over it and watch your business or career slip through your fingers.
OK, you have got some concerns. I will address them as best as I can.
1. Did you always know the importance of copywriting to the success of a business?
No, I did not. Most times I have called myself a copywriter not even knowing what it meant. I love writing. And writing doesn't come cheap. So, the idea of writing to help businesses grow was something I did not really understand until recently. In fact, I am still a learner.
2. Will these ebooks cover everything I need to know about copywriting?
I wish I had a straight answer to this question. There is a world of copywriting books out there. I have simply put together the ones I have benefitted from.
When you order today, there's every chance you would get to access more of the resources in my collection at no extra cost, along with recommendations.
There is no limit to how much you can learn.
3. What mode (s) of payment do you accept?
You can pay with your debit card. This will give immediate access to the bundle even if it is 1:00am. You can also pay via bank transfer. Here, you will need to send an SMS or a chat to dedicated number. You can only access the bundle once I confirm your payment.
4. Do you have a support system?
Yes, yes, and yes! You will join my Community on Telegram and WhatsApp at no extra cost. Here, you will meet like minds and exchange valuable resources and tips to reposition your business or career to shine through to greatness.
With the support system, what took me weeks to figure out could take you a few days, hours or even minutes!
5. On the matter of refunds, are there any?
For this offer, no refunds. These ebooks are digital and I have handpicked them to give you the most value. That's not all. The ebooks are just the tip of the iceberg. There's more where these came from but you will not be paying an extra dime to enjoy them.
Consider your purchase today an access pass.
6. What assurance do I have that I will get the same results?
Yes, you can, if you put in the work. The ebooks enclosed in this offer are surely not magical. The results you get will, eventually, be because of your level of commitment towards applying what they reveal in them.
If you purchase these and fail to study or apply them, you cannot expect to get the same results.
Claim Your Shine Your Eye Copy Bundle Now For Just
Start Writing Better Copies
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PS: Building anything of value takes time and hard work. While these resources will show you what you need to do and what you must pay attention to, they will not do the work for you; they will not write the pitch or set up the ad campaigns for you. It's all on you.
However, if you put in the work and engage with the community, you will shine in the long-run.
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